Produk Ayam Berkualitas
Daging Ayam pilihan dengan proses yang tersertifikasi NKV (Nomor Kontrol Veteriner)
Visit Kanigara Pangindo Arutala to see why there’s been so much buzz about our thriving Grocery Wholesaler. We offer a large variety of top-quality, delectable products that will have you coming back for more.

Daging Ayam Non Residu
Daging Ayam non residu yang telah tersertifikasi Halal dan memiliki sertifikat NKV (Nomor Kontrol Veteriner) sebagai bukti tertulis yang sah telah dipenuhinya persyaratan higiene-sanitasi sebagai kelayakan dasar jaminan keamanan pangan asal hewan pada unit usaha pangan asal hewan.

Fresh Produce
Our assortment is always in such hot demand that no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to keep them on our shelves for long. Contact us to make sure we have them in stock or ask us for a delicious alternative.